Law and Crime: Breaking the Cycle

For the Week of July 23 - 30   Edition: 44 (prior editions are below - Other Prayer Priorities)  

U.S. has witnessed an increase in crime rates in 2024 across various categories. - FBI Crime Stats 

Can America win the war on crime?

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Other Prayer Priorities

Rights, Writes, and Rhetoric

Maintaining the right to free expression is the responsibility of every American.

Securing Stability for Senior Citizens

Are Social Security, Medicare, and other government programs effective in the middle of inflation challenges?

Resilience in Turbulent Times

Navigating Economic Challenges for American Small Businesses, Entrepreneurs, and the Middle Class.

Outpriced for Essentials

Are Americans being outpriced for everyday essentials of daily life in our struggling economy?

Tough Economy Forcing Many into Side-Jobs

When trying to plan for the future, many Americans are simply unable to even consider it.

Memorial Day: A Tribute to Sacrifice

Can America strike the balance of protecting freedoms and protecting citizens?

Liberty vs. Oversight: The Struggle to Protect Citizens

Can America strike the balance of protecting freedoms and protecting citizens?

Growing Unaffordable Healthcare Costs

Are escalating healthcare costs in America becoming impossible to afford?

Memorial Day: A Tribute to Sacrifice

Can America strike the balance of protecting freedoms and protecting citizens?

The National Day of Prayer: America's Sacred Tradition

The future of our nation depends on the prayers of God’s people

Foreign Policy: Wars and Rumors of Wars

Are we seeing the beginning of the end times?

Electoral College: Outdated or Necessary

Does the Electoral College Serve or Stifle America

Home Sweet Unaffordable Home

America's Battleground for Affordable Housing

Protecting the Minds of Our Children

How do we care for the up-and-coming next generation of Americans?

Highest Public Distrust in Government in 70 Years

How to trust and obey God in a deeply divided nation.

U.S. Bolsters Defenses After Cyber-attacks

Has modern technology radically altered how nations wage war?

Heavy regulations on farmers causing uncertain future.

Are Farmers Facing Impossible Regulations?

Will the Supreme Court Decide the Election?

Two states remove former president Donald Trump from ballots pending appeal.

Absentee Ballot

Voters See Election Cheating Everywhere

Protecting the election process is everyone's responsibility.

Climate protestors

The True Cost of the Green Agenda

Is the climate agenda a bigger threat than climate change itself?

Is the Education System Failing America's Children?

Many parents worry about indoctrination seeking refuge in private schools.

Hate and bigotry - A Scheme to Divide America

Is Antisemitism a threat to the survival of our nation? How should you pray?

What's ahead for U.S. currency? Paper, digital, gold...or?

Is the United States currency about to undergo significant change? Are you ready?

What’s Dividing the Nation?

"Well-financed attempt to strip America and other nations of our sovereignty and make us beholden to an international government" 

The Future of America Hangs in the Balance.

Protecting and securing the democratic process of elections is key to the success of our nation.

Is All-Out-Global Conflict At Hand?

Economic woes and political in-fighting complicate the U.S. response to international wars.

The Ongoing Crisis at the Nation's Border

The decades-long immigration crisis continues to grow due to global instability, wars, and economic struggles.

Israel-Palestine Conflict Escalates to War

Multiple surprise attacks from Hamas leave hundreds dead and thousands injured.

Invite A Friend

Pray First Responders receive a text on their phone, notifying them of urgent and timely needs within America as they arise. Then, we can pray together as a nation united, and watch God work. It is simple but very effective.

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A Ministry of The Presidential Prayer Team

The Pray First Network is a portfolio of tools, platforms, and resources designed to create an active prayer lifestyle. The Presidential Prayer Team believes it is vitally important to pray first before making major decisions about our lives and our country, with the goal of helping people understand the will of God through prayer.

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