For More Than 20 Years
Pray The Vote
Pray The Vote
Learn about Pray the Vote and our commitment to providing non-partisan election information to encourage your prayer life: About Us
This nationwide call to prayer for this election is supported by the love gifts of God's people - Join Us today and help by giving a tax-deductible gift.
1O Days of Nationwide Prayer
The Voice of a Praying America
Members of national prayer group, The Presidential Prayer Team, have identified key issues this election season.Each day this week leading up to the election will feature a new issue, with:
- in-depth insights from a biblical perspective
- both major political party platforms
- suggested list of prayer needs for the issue
Use the “I Prayed” button in the Prayer Needs section to track the items you’ve prayed over.
- Day 1 - Sunday, 27 October - Election Integrity
- Day 2 - Monday, 28 October - Religious Freedom
- Day 3 - Tuesday, 29 October - National Defense
- Day 4 - Wednesday, 30 October - Immigration
- Day 5 - Thursday, 31 October - Abortion
- Day 6 - Friday, 1 November - Marriage and Family
- Day 7 - Saturday, 2 November - Healthcare
- Day 8 - Sunday, 3 November - Law and Order
- Day 9 - Monday, 4 November - Entitlement Programs
- Day 10 - Tuesday, 5 November - Economic Security
America is Praying over the Nation
Western US Stream
Eastern US Stream
Playing all day, these heartfelt prayers are submitted by fellow Americans to inspire and encourage you. Together we lift up our nation and the election to our Heavenly Father.
For the best quality listening experience, choose the audio stream from your current region. Please note that the audio stream may need a few seconds to buffer after pressing play.
Election Issues and Concerns for Prayer
Pray The Vote provides accurate and nonpartisan information about candidates and issues in order to best encourage and prepare your prayers for this election period. We commit to upholding the truths and values that God has laid forth for all who love Him.
Pray The Vote is part of the Pray First Network - an informational media ministry of The Presidential Prayer Team, Inc.
Contact Information:
PHONE: 866-433-7729 (or 833-240-7729)
MAILING: P.O. Box 4140, Scottsdale, AZ 85261
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Copyright © 2001-2024 Pray The Vote - Pray First Network - The Presidential Prayer Team